Sunday, November 2

We wanna see you Whisk

Send us photos of you and your whisk! We are accepting photos for our whisk of 2008 up until January 1st. In the new year we will show you our favorite and reward the winner. Send in your photo to Dave at .!

Whisk you were here!


I'm Paula
, Dave's cooking partner in crime and welcome to Whisk that shit! The site still needs some work, but it's coming along. Before you know it Dave and I will be cooking up a storm. Whisk that shit!

I can't wait to share all of our yummy dishes with you! Sadly, you'll have to wait a little longer, Dave is officially moving in in January. Hopefully sooner. Once Dave is here permanently we can get the show started. Stay tuned for more yumminess.

We can Whisk together!
